Sunday, January 25, 2009

Let's get Started

I think that I shall never see, an aircraft as lovely as a 53.

(with apologies)

WhileI am still not sure about this whole blogging thing, I have been encouraged to try to write more. Apparently, some folks I know are laboring under the misconception that I have some talent in this area. This blog should prove the error of that belief in short order.

Now then, on to the title of this blog and the reference to the "53" above. I am a retired US Air Force fixed wing and helicopter mechanic. I retired in 1993, just a few days shy of my 37th birthday, yes that makes me an OLD fart. While in the USAF I worked on various types of aircraft, including the F-4c/e/g Phantom II, the F-105g Thunder Chief/Wild Weasel, the HH-3e Jolly Green Giant, and the HH/MH-53 c/e/j Super Jolly Green Giant. The Super Jolly was by far my favorite, followed by the Phantom. Both were excellent aircraft, both did their respective jobs like no other. During the time I experiment with this writing thing and this blog, I will likely refer to these aircraft, especially the 53, a lot. You have been warned.

Since retiring I have embarked on two new careers with varying degrees of success. I hold a Class A CDL and have been a "professional" driver since 2002. I also have had some success in the Information Technology (IT) industry.

As a result of these varying careers, I have had the opportunity to learn many things, chief among them is just how little we all really know. I think that is enough for today, I tend to get long winded, and part of this excersize is brevity, and to teach myself to order my thoughts a little more.

Enjoy and welcome to my ramblings

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